Monday, September 27, 2010

Love is all you need, and love is what you'll always have

Dear friends, teenagers, adults and friends of this world...Life can be so tough and horrendous, and sometimes crawling under that rock just isn't enough, you want to take the last few steps to fall from the cliff, but life...can also be so rewarding and beautiful. Take this and keep it on your mind always, because the terrible and the wonderful go hand in hand, which means there is no one without the other. Life IS a roller coaster, darlings. And sometimes the loops feel never ending, but they all end somewhere. It's inevitable.

Recently, my close friend hung himself. Luckily his step father found him in time, but with the lack of oxygen for 6 minutes, he went into a coma. I haven't heard anything since then, and I'm hoping with all of my heart that he'll make it out okay. He should know that because I care, because all of his friends care, it means we love him. And he doesn't need to leave us if he's got all he needs. Happiness comes with coping with all of it, and I know anyone can do it as long as they try their hardest. I have been through SO much, I know exactly how life can seem, and to be honest, I hate it most of the time myself. I've wanted to die, I've TRIED to kill myself and it's gotten me no where, and now I see how much those people in my life care and love me. That doesn't mean that I don't still wish to die sometimes...because I do. It's not wrong to think like this. As long as you stop and think about it, and don't act on it, everything will go by alright, because you can get through anything. I want to share so much with all of you...everything I've been through. So you know how much we have in common, how other people go through similar terrible shit. Wish it, try it, ACCOMPLISH it. I have faith, and so do others.

Someone out there loves you. Several out there love you. No matter what they tell you, no matter what you tell yourself. I care. I know I'm a random girl you all don't how can I care? I care because I know what it's like and I know how it feels and I know...that everyone needs someone, and everyone is so beautiful, I don't understand this wonder yet it is so tremendous. I love you all, I truly do. So do one thing for me...and live, because it's all under this one sky, in this one world, in this one life.

Stay beautiful. <3