If you should dare smile...about the simplest aspects in our lives, would anything change? The answer is yes. Because everything can be compared to systems biology and the wonderful emergent properties that cause everything to work in the way they do, you are able to change the smallest thing about you and make everything change in a large way. Having the ability to see the smaller, beautiful things in life in a new perspective might make happiness come easier--you're enthusiastic about everything rather than just the whole. This is a method I adopted quite a while ago, and ever since then I see almost in undiscovered colors. And while at first it's strange to feel too excited about the rivets and ridges on your fingertips or the veins in a leaf, it's a great experience you can feel all around and forever.
I'm upset to say that life is still not looking up for myself but I'm hanging in with a tight grip. I am terrified of the fall that everyone is not totally assured won't occur, but this gives me even more reason to fight harder and keep this battle up until I am free. (Poem written to describe how I feel, which is officially my second poem getting published by request. Called Runaway)
Cracking, smacking, crushed beneath my feet
Found a letter in my pocket: the note of my defeat
I'm asking you not to speak about it—
Don't repeat the silence,
especially once I'm gone
because we all know my mind does that job well enough on its own.
I know I reek of unwashed jeans and sneakers—
The uncleanliness of slamming the front door,
breaking into a run once I skid away from the mirrored floor
Always looking back at me, never looking up at me
because we all know I'm the one below on this scale of indefinite chains.
Infinite escape into a place I once knew as euphoric,
lost to the world of promises in rhetoric
But we all know that place no longer holds a certainty
the fantasy
of delectation—delight
because it only made me think twice about my purposed placement,
something I no longer wanted to be a part of.
Childish, I kept telling myself;
Time to move on and let myself grieve
Wanted to get up and go—just leave
forget that it once made me feel okay inside,
find a warmer home I could then reside
And not worry about the watchful eye of the ones who take back,
keep back and restrain
because then there wouldn't be a reason to flee
And instead of a runaway, I could be free.

Well, last but certainly not least, I'd just like to mention that it is Autumn, my favorite season of all. :) I hope you all enjoy the beautiful colors that fall from the skies and get high off of that smell of the end nearing, all to start right back up again come Spring. Feel the leaves beneath your feet as you walk barefoot through the beautiful lands of our world, and stay beautiful yourselves.
I love you with all my heart can give.