Saturday, March 26, 2011

Heh. The world is in our hands. I found this photo on It's very symbolistic, in my opinion. It shows that we do have control over the earth, because we're in charge of what happens to it. We're the one's who create pollution, littering and bad habits.

The world is just as important as you yourselves are. Yes, the world is beautiful but...we have to keep it that way. Just like it's your responsibility to keep your head held high and your chin set, with a smile on your face, looking back into the mirror and telling yourself, "Look. You ARE gorgeous." (Poem posted below for more on the mirror issue)

My next point about the photo is it's quite ironic. Ironic in that there is starvation in the world, but the world happens to be an apple that we can eat. What can YOU do to help the people that are starving?
>More importantly, what can you do to help Japan at this moment in time? Natural disasters have left them almost helpless in parts, and it's a sad sight. Donating anything to help will make you shine a little brighter, for such great purposes. There is so much you can do for the world. Do it.

Here's the aforementioned poem (written by someone I know):
i looked into the mirror today
and the mirror looked back.

i said to the me behind the glass
head down shoulders slumped
no heart no conviction:

you'll never be worth it.


then the mirror-me looked up
shoulders up, chin up, proud
and said:

who are you to tell me
what i'm worth
what i'll be
what i am?
i am you you are me

and i fucking DEMAND
that you treat me with respect.
that's what i'm worth.
that's what you're worth.
and you'll have it.

you're right, i said.
i am, i said.
i love you, we said.
and on went our day
a little brighter.

And with that I leave you to wonder, lovelies.
Keep it simple
Keep it beautiful